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Find Balance With Your Holistic Healing

Reducing Stress for True Healing

I believe that in order for the body to be healed, the source of the stress has to be reduced or eliminated. In my experience, with many people, this stress is mental and not physical.

Supporting Veterans With PTSD

Many times, my clients who are veterans suffer from PTSD. Our appointments are fun, laid back, and relaxing, and the conversations are real. I enjoy what I do, and I love our country, and especially, our military.

Creating a Safe Space

This is your safe place whether you’re a businessman under severe stress at work or someone who has served our country. It’s unfortunate that men really don’t have a safe outlet for their emotions without being judged or risking everything by being honest and risking being medicated.

Breaking Down Barriers Together

Working together, we can tear that wall down. What is discussed doesn’t leave the room. There is no shame nor any judgement here. I help you without medicating you or causing more problems. I am your friend and your advocate, not a mental health counselor or psychologist.

Advocating for Veterans

It’s sad that our men who have been sent out to serve their country come back to be treated as if they are mentally ill. A pill doesn’t cure the trauma, and drugs and alcohol do nothing for the effects of long-term mental stress.

Understanding Military Trauma

Many in the military have seen things and possibly done things that stay in their head that others can’t imagine or relate to. I’m sorry for the things you have to live with. I try to be an advocate for those who have served, a friend, and a resource to help you relax.

Therapeutic Conversations Without Fear

You can talk openly without fearing you will lose your career and those you love for talking honestly about what is causing your stress. Many times, men on a different mental level stay longer to talk with me.

Flexible Appointments

If you need this type of appointment, your appointment will easily run longer. I have also had men come just to talk, not wanting any of the services I offer, and that is also fine. You’re welcome to bring a beer.

A Salute to Our Veterans

Thank you for serving your country. I salute you for all you have done.

Quick Pick-Me-Up

For a quick mental pick-me-up, see the Humor section!

See Now

Take the first step towards holistic health, and contact me today to schedule your session. I look forward to guiding you on your journey to a more harmonious and revitalized self.

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